New Sweden is looking for officers to join our non-profit starting in 2025!
Membership Coordinator – you’ll call/email new members to welcome them, you might assist in asking for volunteers, you might be doing some outreach to determine if old members want to come back! You don’t need to be super techy but we do use Google Docs & Sheets, and you will need some very basic accounting skills. Overall, it’s a fun “people person” role with great member interaction.
Secretary – you’ll take notes at the monthly board meetings, assist with preparing agendas for meetings, type minutes for board review and archival. You don’t need to be techy at all and overall this can be a very social position, or it can be done by someone who prefers to work solo.
Estimated time commitment per role is about 3 to 10+ hours per month. You can be as involved as you would like, but at minimum will join the monthly board meetings. We meet every second Tuesday of the month, via Zoom. Please contact us if you’re interested!
Officers of the Board
- Steven Englund, President & Treasurer
- Ross Fogelquist, Vice President
Additional Members of the Board
- Joel Johnson, Co-Membership Coordinator (Finance)
- Elaine Meis, Newsletter Editor
- Paula Inglett, Newsletter Contributor
- Pam Martin
- Kathy Wilske
- Stefan Nornholm, Social Media Coordinator
- Sally Krantz
- Eric Goranson
Recent Board Retirees – We thank you for your service!
- Tanaka Axberg
- Louise Karnéus
- Gail Halberg Romero
Honorary Members & Friends
- David Kleinke, Webmaster
- Courtnee Riise Averskog, Facebook Admin
- Kristin Farber
- Martin Hulth
- Sara Winter
- Stefan Rosquist
We welcome anybody with an interest to work on the board to join us.
If you are interested, please contact the President or Vice President, to let them know!
The New Sweden Board of Directors meets monthly, generally on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. These Board meetings are open to New Sweden members in good standing who wish to listen and observe proceedings. Members are asked to contact the Board President one week before the Board meeting to report their intent to attend the meeting and particular interests.
Guest members are asked to respect the fact that Board members have an agenda to discuss and there may not be time for new business. Guests should be on time at the start of the Board meeting so they can be introduced and so as not to disrupt a meeting already in progress. After their introduction, guests will be able to listen only, and may not speak spontaneously, comment on any active discussion, and/or introduce new topics during the Board meeting. Permission to attend does not automatically include permission to speak at these meetings and permission to attend and/or speak can be withdrawn.
Only Board members may vote at Board meetings.
If Board meeting guests have particular interests they wish to communicate and if time allows, guests may be invited to speak at the end of the public meeting. If time is short and/or there are a number of guests wanting to talk, it may be necessary to set time limits for speaking. At times during Board meetings, the Board may go into Executive Session (closed meeting) and excuse all guests from further attendance at the meeting.