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- 2 salted herring fillets, soaked overnight in cold water 4-5 boiled potatoes
- Ground white pepper
- 2-3 pickled beetroots
- 1 pickled cucumber
- 1-2 apples
- 1-2 tablespoons chopped onion
- salt, white pepper
- Beetroot juice
- Whipped cream
- Cut ingredients into small, uniform cubes, and finely chop the onion. Mix the ingredients well, and add the pickled beet juice.
- Add freshly gorund white pepper and salt to taste.
- A little cream should also, preferably, be added.
- Pour into a mold or bowl. Chill well.
- When ready to serve, turn out onto a plate.
- The salad may be garnished with parsley and slices of hardboiled eggs.
Herring Salad